Four Years And Counting…

Fall is my favorite season. It also marks the time of year when I first found out I had breast cancer. This year 2014 marks four years in the making of my cancer-free world. Speaking of milestones, I often I hear people talk about milestone anniversaries when it comes to surviving cancer. However, the term ”cancer survivor” is a bit puzzling to me. Where does this survivorship begin? Do we start counting from the point those fateful words exit the mouth of our diagnosing doctor? Those of us, who have heard those dreaded words, know all to well that we enter into survival mode long before the treatment even begins. Or is it the moment we open our eyes in that post-surgery hospital bed knowing that the cancer has been removed from our bodies, riding us of this disease? For some women, it isn’t even that simple. They have to undergo, surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation. Where does their tally begin?

I always feel a little funny, as fall approaches each year. Am I allowed to prematurely count this year as another victory too? Is it okay to add another notch in my proverbial belt? Can I place the check in the box as part of my long list of items for “Checklist 2014”? I am a checklist kind of girl after all. I ran my first half marathon for breast cancer…check! I raised over three thousand dollars for breast cancer awareness…check! I have survived another year cancer-free….Ummmmm check? As I sat in the hospital room awaiting my surgery, a wise nurse and breast cancer survivor told me, “You go into that operating room a cancer patient, but you come out of it a cancer survivor”. It is a statement that resonated and sticks with me even today. Still, as fall approaches, I feel like a bit of an imposter. Feeling like a survivor since my diagnosis date was November 1st. But knowing that I didn’t become cancer free until January. It seems like such a silly thing to ponder. But inevitably remains one of the more challenging questions I face, as I grow farther away from when it all began.

Ironically, my diagnosis anniversary falls around breast cancer awareness month. This only fuels the fire of my cancer anniversary dilemma. Am I doing this milestone justice through the eye of the pink ribbon? We hear a lot about the importance of the five-year mark. But I don’t know that I will feel that differently next year. Two years was a big milestone for me. Perhaps four is double that making it just as big. I think I could debate the significance of a diagnosis date versus surgery date for many moons to come. But through the consideration of such a dilemma, I am overlooking the bigger picture. A cancer survivor celebrates the cycle of life no matter where that begins. It is a natural progression that slowly moves through life 365 days a year. Does it really matter what specific day of the year? So in honor of my A-Ha moment, I have decided to celebrate both. I celebrate my awareness of knowing more and creating a plan for survival in the fall. And I celebrate the day I put that survivorship into motion in January. It is one long anniversary, but worth every day in my cycle of life.

SHARE Cancer Support – Breast Cancer Organizations, Helplines, Hotlines and Support

New Guest Blog from …SHARE CANCER SUPPORT.  SHARE Cancer Support offers support to women who are survivors or victims of breast cancer or ovarian cancer. SHARE’s mission is similar to LIVEURBESTLIFE in that we strive to offer support to those undergoing cancer treatment or cancer survivors, as well as advocating for good, healthy habits in general. Below you will find information regarding Breast Cancer Organizations, Helplines, Hotlines and Support.

Thank you SHARE Cancer Support for participating in this collaborative effort to better help facilitate support for those in need.


Breast Cancer Organizations, Helplines, Hotlines and Support


If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, you may need someone to talk to. Although you may have the support of family and friends who can help you face this condition, sometimes it’s nice to speak to someone completely different – including those who have been through what you are currently experiencing. There are a number of breast cancer organizations and charities that can provide you with the assistance you need, and can book you a place on a support group, where you will be able to meet other people who are being treated for breast cancer, along with those who are survivors.


Getting Involved with Breast Cancer Support

The National Breast Cancer Foundation is an organization that specializes in assistance for those who have been diagnosed with this condition. The charity was set up in 1991 by a breast cancer survivor, and today provides a number of resources about the disease, as well as information about fund-raising opportunities. The Breast Cancer Fund specializes in prevention, as well as exposing the risks associated with breast cancer. The website features online seminars, image galleries, resources about the condition, as well as information on how to donate.

SHARE also provides information and support. With SHARE you can learn to become an advocate, volunteering your time, passion and support to those who need you. Learn about special events, volunteering, donating and more with SHARE.

Breast Cancer Helplines

The American Cancer Society also provides a number of resources on their website, as well as a cancer hotline that is open 24 hours a day. You will be able to speak to a company representative if you need some more information about coping with cancer, different treatments that might be available to you, screening information, the importance of prevention, pain control and side effects. SHARE, a cancer charity that provides support for women suffering from ovarian or breast cancer, operates cancer helplines specific to breast cancer and ovarian cancer staffed by survivors of these diseases. SHARE is on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest as well, where there is always a group of friends available to get support from and get involved with.

Support Groups

A support group like SHARE for people who have been diagnosed with breast cancer can be a great way to meet new people and make some new friends as you learn to cope. You will be able to find out more information about the conditions, and meet those who have faced breast cancer and ovarian cancer in the past. You’ll depend on the support of those women who are currently experiencing the same things you are, and they will depend on you too!


For more information, visit


To Boob Or Not To Boob

Many women are confused with the recent changes regarding age recommendations for mammograms. The guidelines have changed with frequency over the years.  Because there is a wealth of information generated through studies and how it is disseminated to the public, it can sometimes be hard to keep up with the latest research and assess where you fall into the mix of things.

When I went to my first social function after being diagnosed with breast cancer, I was amazed at the wide array of information that was floating around the room.  Of course, everyone wanted to know my story. How did you figure it out, what were your symptoms, what’s your family history, had you ever had a mammogram before?  Their responses ended up being just as thought provoking as my answers.

As I began to share my story, I can see the overwhelming wave of confusion settle over my peers’ faces…the mean age in the room was the same as mine.  I had discovered my cancer through my first mammogram at age 38.  After having a mastitis, my doctor recommended a mammogram and ultrasound to make sure there wasn’t anymore underlying infection in my breast.  It would be a good opportunity for a baseline too.  I remember thinking, “If it was relevant to get a baseline in the first place, why wasn’t it mentioned when I was 35”?

Leaving the doctor’s office, I began to remember the time when I was breast-feeding at age 35 and recalling the thought to get a baseline mammogram once the baby was weaned.  Hearing all the past horror stories involving women’s experiences with mammograms, I was not too eager to bring the subject up.  My doctor didn’t bring it up either.  But here I am 3 years later, getting a baseline mammogram anyway.

As I began to recount my story, the first woman chimes in “My doctor doesn’t believe in baseline mammograms, it leads to too many false positives”.  Another mentions that her OB/GYN recommends baseline mammograms at 35 but a lot of times insurance companies won’t cover it.  In the midst of the confusion, a third one says that she thought mammograms weren’t recommended until you were 40 years of age.  “That’s if there isn’t any prior family history, another responds.  If you have family history, you start having mammograms at an earlier age-even 30 years old”.

I was struck by how different and far apart everyone’s information gathering had taken them.  These were all well educated, intelligent, Google-savvy women.  Where does the breakdown in communication lie? If cancer doctors and organizations can’t even agree on what is the right age for a woman’s first mammogram, how could my peers know?

While the American Cancer Society and other cancer organizations still recommend mammograms yearly after the age of 40, the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force states that with no prior history, women do not have to start having mammograms until the age of 50 and to repeat the test every two years thereafter.  Studies show that despite more women being diagnosed with early stage breast cancer due to earlier screenings, the number of advanced breast cancer cases has not decreased. Advocates of the Task Force’s recommendations also claim that the risk of women between the ages of 40-50 is so small that it doesn’t warrant the exposure to the radiation.

Unfortunately, I am one of those women who while diagnosed at a young age, had no notable family history at the time of diagnosis and had a very run-of-the-mill type cancer.  The woman that you don’t hear too much about due to the overshadowing of young women who have more aggressive cancer that can sometimes be attributed to genetics and do have familial history of the disease.  Those women who are aware of the risk even at young age and know they should be getting mammograms earlier rather than later.

Aside from my diagnosis, I also know several women between the age of 40-50 who all had no family history and non-aggressive breast cancer.  If I know this many people already, how many other women are out there who fit this same profile? Women who will wait 10 years to get their first mammograms, many who will be perfectly fine, but some who will not.

There is so much miscommunication on the pro’s and cons of mammograms.  I would employ anyone who is concerned about waiting longer to get a mammogram to have a dialogue with your doctor.  There may be options and information that you are not aware of that may consequently lead to better decision-making regarding your age appropriate imaging needs.

Nutrition After Cancer Treatment

—My good friend Lori who often discusses the importance of living a healthy life on her website has graciously agreed to put together some pertinent information regarding the importance of nutrition after cancer treatment.  The below information is something we should all be aware of as we try to make healthy life choices for ourselves going forward. Please feel free to check out more of what has to offer including nutritional counseling, the latest on allergy information and diabetes education as well. Thank You Lori!!

There are many risk factors for cancer and it is something that no one wants. On this last day of National Breast Cancer Awareness month it is a great time to discuss the Top 10 Recommendations for Cancer Prevention from the American Institute for Cancer Research – AICR. These recommendations are based on information from the most comprehensive review of cancer and nutrition, the World Cancer Research Fund’s/AICR’s landmark second expert report, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective. These recommendations should be followed after those with breast cancer or any other cancer complete their treatment.

AICR Recommendations for Cancer Prevention

  1. Be as lean as possible without becoming underweight.
  2. Be physically active for at least 30 minutes every day.
  3. Avoid sugary drinks. Limit consumption of energy-dense foods.
  4. Eat more of a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes such as beans.
  5. Limit consumption of red meats (such as beef, pork and lamb) and avoid processed meats.
  6. If consumed at all, limit alcoholic drinks to 2 for men and 1 for women a day.
  7. Limit consumption of salty foods and foods processed with salt (sodium).
  8. Don’t use supplements to protect against cancer.
  9. * It is best for mothers to breastfeed exclusively for up to 6 months and then add other liquids and foods.
  10. * After treatment, cancer survivors should follow the recommendations for cancer prevention.

*Special Population Recommendations

Here is a list of specific foods that may fight cancer. The key to the nutrition portion of these recommendations is that real food is best and not supplements. By eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes and less processed foods you will get more nutrients and phytochemicals , which have many health benefits.  Eat a variety of foods and eat the rainbow with an emphasis on brightly colored or strong flavored fruits and vegetables!

Another way to think about what you eat is to visualize your plate and what foods it contains as well as the portion sizes. The New American Plate is a great tool for us all to improve what we eat by looking at what we eat everyday. Good nutrition may help lower not only your cancer risk, but your risk of chronic diseases and can help you manage your body weight!

Check out some of AICR’s recipes including black bean brownies.  Take a little time and think about which of the 10 AICR recommendations for cancer prevention you can improve on and take steps today to live healthier!

Be Well,


Living a Healthy Life After Cancer

My name is April and I am an almost 3 year breast cancer survivor!  When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer I was overwhelmed with all of the information presented to me.  Making sense of lab reports and attending doctor’s appointments while establishing a plan for my treatment and ultimate recovery proved to be a daunting task.

As a newly diagnosed cancer patient, you tend to get fixated on the immediacy of what life has thrown at you.  So much so, that it is hard to see what is important down the road too.  After my head stopped spinning full of information and impending decisions, I chose and implemented a treatment plan forging my way into recovery—my journey into the future.  This should be the easy part, right?  As I distanced myself farther away from the immediate dangers of a cancer diagnosis, whispers of fortitude began to surface.  What was I going to do now?  I have had the surgery, the first step to a cancer free life.  I am now taking the hormone therapy, America’s conventional medical answer for keeping hormone- positive breast cancer at bay.  Still, the farther I delved into my newfound cancer free life; I started to wonder what other kinds of preventative measures I could instill into my life in order to ensure my continual good health I have worked so hard to achieve.

There are numerous studies out there, asserting how and why diet and exercise are essential in our every day lives.  They become even more important when you have a history of cancer. People who exercise have lower incidence of breast cancer.  Many holistic practitioners maintain that by eating the right foods you can actually decrease your risk for cancer by avoiding foods that fuel cancer growth and promote poor eating habits.  By extension, poor eating habits can lead to obesity, which in turn also increases your risk for breast cancer. These are all valid reasons why a preventative philosophy is key to safeguarding a healthy life after cancer.  As for me, for the most part I adopted a healthy lifestyle including moderate exercise and reasonable eating habits from a young age.  However, my cancer diagnosis has only reinforced the need for continuing those conscious health choices today more than ever.

In my personal time, I volunteer on a breast cancer helpline that focuses on providing, women and loved ones affected by breast cancer, help in finding resources and emotional support they need during their journey through breast cancer.  Often times topics of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and hormonal treatment come up in conversation but nutrition is often overlooked.   Eating healthy can be an empowering experience in your life that can positively impact not only on the present, but the future too.

I have decided to take life’s challenge of becoming a healthier me by eating right and exercising, making better health choices along the way.  No matter whether you are a cancer survivor or not, I hope you will join me in a healthier tomorrow too.

Craving Normalcy

January marks my three year anniversary from breast cancer.  It seems so close but so far away, all at the same time. Even though three years seems like ample time to settle back into life, I still have an underlying sense of craving normalcy.  I wonder if it is something you ever really stop searching for as a cancer survivor.

As a breast cancer survivor, I was forced to reinvent myself in more ways than one.  The most obvious way is physically, a new body means new clothes and new shell of reality.  The second way and less conspicuous but perhaps more important is emotionally.  It takes a while to wrap your mind around the fact that you will be a forever changed person.  In a way, it plays tricks on you and makes you think if I am changed this much on the outside, I must be changed on the inside too.

After diagnosis, things move pretty quickly and it can get overwhelming.  After the initial plan sets in, things start to fall into place and the motion eventually dissipates.  This can be the hardest part because you feel like you should be settling into normalcy but in actuality you are just beginning a new journey in life.  What could be more unsettling than that!

Even years out I am still searching for the time where I am not subconsciously thinking about having a normal day.

After my initial surgery, I used to inwardly chuckle when people would approach me asking if I was all done with treatment.  People who aren’t touched by the disease don’t always realize what a lengthy process it can be both emotionally and physically. While I appreciated their concern with a smile and a knowing nod I also wanted to laugh and say, “I am only just beginning”!

I think craving is an appropriate word to use when talking about a breast cancer survivor’s “new normal”.  It is a fact finding mission of sorts where it is constantly changing and evolving into something where we finally feel comfort and peace.  A place where we can finally say, “Hey, I think I found my new normal”.  But until you find that comfy zone, you continually crave the normalcy that you once had in your pre-cancer life.

Your new normal can often be redefining to caregivers, family and friends because it inadvertently spills over into their pre- normal state too. Consequently, they must evolve and find a new normal that is dependent on yours.  It is all intertwined.

Right after my surgery, I had some concerns and I called my doctor saying that I just wasn’t sure if everything was right because I hadn’t defined for myself what my “new normal” was yet.  Funny, I had never even heard this term before but that is what it felt like for me.  Later, I learned that this is a popular term used by breast cancer women after diagnosis.  It couldn’t be more true.

Through life, whether you are a cancer survivor or not, we are always evolving as people.  How many people change careers multiple times during their working careers?  Or change partners because they have drifted apart or have just changed as people during their course of their relationship.  It is a natural progression in life.  Why shouldn’t it happen when you experience a traumatic life event such as a cancer diagnosis?  It is disguised as a traumatic response but in actuality is truly a natural progression of life brought on unexpectedly by unforeseen life events.  Therefore, craving normalcy and redefining your “new normal” becomes…well- normal.

Am I Just Getting Older?

As I get further and further into this thing we call life, I am constantly finding people diagnosed with some kind of cancer. I wonder if this observation is simply a reflection of our peers around us, who similarly, are getting older and succumbing to our slowly ailing bodies.  Or is it something in our environment which over time unknowingly poisons us against a healthy lifestyle we strive for day-to-day. Alternatively, maybe it is our genetics that map out the road less travelled, thereby creating a destiny independent of where life might ordinarily take us.  When I was diagnosed almost three years ago, I don’t think I knew a single person under or around 40 who was diagnosed with cancer.  Since that time, I am faced with the realization that more and more young people are becoming diagnosed with cancer.

Regardless of age, there is a social brand associated with having cancer.  It generalizes us into something I call the “default cancer group”. A group where all newly diagnosed cancer patients inadvertently find themselves.  Perhaps I just stumbled on this younger group of cancer patients as a result of my diagnosis. Afterall, when you find yourself a part of a new group of people, you find a new system of information too.  As part of this group,  there is always someone who knows someone, a friend of a friend , well-meaning people that want to connect you with another person with similar circumstances, making it more apparent just how prevalent cancer really is in our community today.    But aside from these indirect connections, through my own personal relationships, I am also stumbling upon people afflicted with some type of cancer.  What is going on!

Getting older is an unpredictable thing.  In our youth, we often look ahead trying to catch a glimpse of what lies ahead for us as we age.  Without that handy crystal ball of ours, we are never really sure what our future health holds.  In retrospect, I sometimes feel sad for the elderly.  They are blessed with a long life but have to watch their loved ones pass on as they get older.  It never really occurred to me about how this initial void instigates itself into our lives.  Does it start out as sickness and then progress into something more over time?  Is this how it was for my grandparents too?  As for me, it just feels like a new wave of alarm as I earn my latest badge of courage, known as midlife.

Thankfully in this day and age, advances in science have allowed us to live longer and healthier lives. We can defy the odds that our ancestors before us were not so fortunate to overcome.   On the flip side, it has also opened the gates of discovery and allowed for more diagnosis of cancer.  Cancer that we didn’t know we had years ago before mammograms, MRI, and diagnostic blood tests were available. Today these tests enable us to more easily detect cancer at an earlier stage and more often too.    Is cancer really more prevalent now or are we just getting better at identifying it?

Whatever the case may be, it remains unsettling to me how much I hear the word “cancer” today and how it is affecting those people around me.  It pops up daily through phone conversations, local newspaper articles, and even Facebook, just to name a few.  Globally, it has become an epidemic of blogs depicting life stories through reenactments of everyday struggles in the life of cancer. Consequently, making it even more apparent that cancer is creeping into our society more and more every day.  Young or old, near or far, it affects us all.

Darwinism At Its Finest


We are all born with cancer cells but scientists say 2 out of 3 people will never develop the disease during the course of their lifetime.  Why do you ask?  Their body’s immune system has the ability to fight it off.  Consequently, some may never know that cancer was ever a part of them.  As an auto-immune diabetic,  I often wonder what impact this revelation has on those of us who do not “fight off disease” as well as others. What happens to those of us whose bodies literally turn on themselves and attack the very thing that is trying to protect us and keep us in balance?

As a breast cancer survivor, people often ask me if I have a fear of recurrence.  Most of the time, I can honestly say no.  But through the daily management of my diabetes, I sometimes contemplate the intrinsic role that this autoimmune disease plays with respect to my cancer.  I can’t help wonder if somewhere down the road my cancer will spring back to life , compliments of a weakened immune system.

For those of us who have cancer blaming genes ,  triggers can be the culprits of turning the gene on, guiding the key into the keyhole and unlocking an inevitable chain of events.  Sadly, we don’t always know what those triggers are in our bodies.  For me, I believe that one trigger created a domino effect, an autoimmune series of events that started with my miscarriage and ended with my cancer; my thyroiditis and diabetes floating somewhere in between the two.

When faced with my many different illnesses, it was imperative to dissect the different aspects of my health and manage each one individually with the hopes that somewhere in that management lays a little relief for something else, a reverse domino effect of sorts.  I did just that and employed it as a means of survival, finding my way to the other side and ultimately wellness.

“Survival mode” is a common phrase tossed around when discussing traumatic situations and life-threatening illness.  You live each day as a means to the next, never looking back at the day before, fiercely focused on the future while simultaneously struggling to make it to tomorrow.  It’s a must-have mindset in order to get through anything as fearful or intimidating as cancer.  Looking back at my time of illness, there are many things that are a complete blur to me.  I hardly remember significant milestones and events that should be in the forefront in my memory.  But I think that was just my body’s way of protecting me and empowering me to cope with the cancer instead of becoming overwhelmed by it.  Something’s gotta give.

Now years later, I may be fuzzy on the details at times, but am grateful for my inner strength and my wisdom to not always feel the need to prevail over those absent memories I long for in life.  It provided me with the coping mechanisms that I needed most to get through my illness and live life to its fullest with my family while tackling cancer at the same time.  I call that …Darwinism-survival of the fittest, fittest at its finest.

Yoga on the Steps- LBBC Signature Event Washington Monument

Please join us at the Yoga on the Steps signature event hosted by LBBC at the Washington Monument June 13th from 5:30 pm- 8:30.  It’s an event you won’t want to miss.  Here’s why…

I have always aspired to living a healthy lifestyle.  Growing up I was that person who promised to always eat right and exercise earning my right to a healthier me.  Sometimes, despite our best efforts, life gets in the way and we find ourselves walking down a very different path than we initially planned for ourselves.  Two and a half years ago, I started down that path as a breast cancer patient but found my way through to survivorship with the help of this wonderful organization known as LBBC, Living Beyond Breast Cancer.

Living Beyond Breast Cancer has so much to offer women and loved ones who are affected with breast cancer.  It provided comfort to me when I felt that I had nowhere else to turn.  Facing diagnosis at 38 years of age, Living Beyond Breast Cancer provided an outlet through peer matching and the survivorship helpline which established connections with other women, lessening my fears of solitude in my struggles as a mother of two young children battling breast cancer while still trying to raise a family.  Their informative website was an invaluable resource which enabled me to best prepare both emotionally and intelligently for my fight against breast cancer.  Each time I visit this website I am continually empowered with the amount of support which is offered through LBBC.

Speaking of LBBC lending support to the breast cancer community, one of the events that they are hosting is Yoga on the Steps in Washington DC this upcoming June.  Time and time again, yoga has proven to promote positive health benefits for women struggling with breast cancer.  As I said before, a healthy lifestyle has always been a long term goal for me.  While I do not consider myself part of the yoga community, I am very excited about this opportunity to participate in such an important event.  As a newbie to this program, I am continually inspired by hearing past participant’s stories of camaraderie, peace and joy found through attending this event.  Living vicariously through the memories of these other people, I can only hope to have as nurturing and empowering of an experience through doing yoga with other breast cancer survivors, families and caregivers  touched by this disease.

I am honored to be a part of such a worthwhile event, raising money for programs to continue growing and facilitating the support necessary to help women and families who are seeking guidance.  All the while working towards better quality of life and coming together as a strong community unified through one common purpose while sharing the benefits of yoga.  It doesn’t get better than that.   I hope that you will join me in this rewarding event and help support women lead more empowering lives through the help of LBBC.


The Importance of Patient Advocacy

Never in a million years did I think I would be diagnosed with early stage breast cancer at 38 years of age.  5% of women account for all breast cancer under the age of 40.  My radiologist told me, with no prior family history, that I was simply “a fluke”.  What a benign choice of words for such a potentially dangerous diagnosis. Still, I struggled from the beginning to gather the information that I needed so that I could make the most informed decisions about my health.  Without having any prior knowledge about breast cancer, this was no easy task.

Delving into the world of cancer is quite an undertaking.  Immersing yourself in a new language of medical jargon that seemingly only a person wearing a white coat can fully understand. You wait for hours on end just to talk to the experts in the field while clinging to promises of a better future. Only to go home at the end of the day and find the simple juggling acts of everyday life awaiting you- kids, work, grocery shopping… the list goes on.  No wonder it is overwhelming!

 I picked one of the best hospitals in the country, looking forward to the endless supply of information waiting for me on the other side of the door.  Having a Master’s in Psychological Services my expectations were high, and I was interested to see how they approached such a delicate subject.  I expected to find an outpouring of support and helping hands but instead was left with more questions leaving than I had coming in with earlier that day.   Even my husband’s eyes were glazing over! 

Slowly along the way, I realized that no matter how promising the hospital, you still need to be a strong patient advocate, arming yourself with questions, alternatives and opinions on how this is going to affect you- the patient.  Doctors don’t always want to be questioned on their decisions or recommendations but it is your right as the patient for this type of exchange of information.  In practicing what I preach, I found myself unveiling better options for myself; ones that the doctor’s never even recommended or mentioned.  If I had not been my own advocate, my story would have taken a very different turn (more on that in another post).

The words, “You have cancer” are never something anyone wants to hear.  But once the initial shock sets in, it is important to educate yourself on how this is going to affect your life-physically, emotionally, socially and so on.  Ultimately, educating yourself on the impact of these issues will help prepare you in making the most appropriate and well-informed decisions for you and your health.   

 I have always said that this is both a medical process and an emotional journey.  I hope that my webpage will provide some information, support and guidance to those that need it.  Knowledge is power and power is knowledge. When we know better we do better. 

Let’s do it.